Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Doctor's appointment

Emma had her 2 year old doctor's appointment today. As soon as we got there she was weighed, 33lbs and measured, 36 inches. That's 3 feet tall! My baby girl is only 2 years old and already 3 feet tall. She's definitely a big girl. After the weighing and measuring we were told to wait for the doctor to see her. We got to see the doctor one and a half hours later! That's absolutely nuts, I mean she is a good doctor, but to wait that long for a 10 minute check up is crazy! The lucky thing is that Xavier was sleeping the entire time and only woke up once we got home. Thank God!
On another note, I'm trying to post pictures in the posts, but there's an error on the page and I can't figure out how to fix it. One thing it tells me if to see if I need to disable the plugins. Unfortunately I don't know what plugins are or how to disable them! D'oh! I'm sure my brain will wake up and I'll figure it someday :-)

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