Saturday, March 29, 2008

Xavier's new digs

Last weekend we bought for Xavier a 3-in-1 crib (converts from crib, to todler bed, to headboard for double bed). On Sunday night I put the crib together and moved the little guy from his bassinet (which he had outgrown) into the crib.
It's been going fairly well. He seems to enjoy his new digs. Emma is a little jealous, she wants it to be her bed.
Xavier only has a few things that were actually bought for him, everything else, including his pink snowsuit, has been handed down from Emma. Something that Emma is not entirely keen on. Whenever Xavier does get something new, Emma wants it to be hers first! Even his clothes!! So funny, what a kid.
The cream the doctor prescribed for Xavier's eczema is working really well. His face is really clearing up. Just have to rub it in really well to make sure he doesn't get any in his eyes. That would be bad. It would be nice though, for him to have a nice clean complexion like he had in the first month or so.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Ouch, maman, that hurt!

Xavier had his 4 months old appointment yesterday. He was quite a happy guy, until came the NEEDLES! I swear he gave the nurse a nasty dirty look! He definitely was memorizing her face!
Poor little guy. He did pretty good. We were still able to go to our Healthy Baby class, it was about nutrition and we learned how to make a salmon roll or something of the like. At any rate, I have the recipe.
We also got a prescription cream for Xavier's face. Hopefully it'll help everything clear up and go away.
In other news, I let Emma scratch one of the scratch lotto tickets and she won $5, she promptly purchased to packs of Goldfish crackers! Don't worry, I'll make sure she doesn't get addicted to the scratch tickets :-P

Monday, March 24, 2008

Xavier is baptised!!

Yesterday was a very busy day. Richard was working an overnight, so I had a lot of things to do before we had to leave for Xavier's baptism.
I started out, after giving breakfast to myself and Emma, I cooked some chicken, lamb and spicy sausage together in a pot with some wine, getting it ready for the evening supper. I also started to get a ham ready (which was not even taken out to eat!).
I cleaned the living room, vaccuumed, cleaned the kitchen (minus a few dishes) and washed the floor.
Now it was lunch time for me and Emma. Once that was over, time to get the kids and myself for the baptism. That was quite the ordeal. Xavier did not enjoy when it was time for me to get ready. He just wanted to be held. Poor guy.
Xavier was a superstar at his baptism. He did really well and did not cry when the water was poured on him. Pepere did a really good job baptising his little guy. Pascale and Monique also did a good job with the music.
Emma loved the sound of her shoes and was running a little bit back and forth. She was really cute. Getting Danika to follow her up and down the altar was so funny. What a couple of cuties!
After the baptism we had family come over here. I finished off making the curanto (soup with all the meat and wine) by adding some seafood and mussels and cooking it up to a boil.
I made pasta for myself and Emma.
Xavier received a lot of really nice presents, cards, a gift card and tons of cash. Thank you to everyone! Thank you for making Xavier's special day so much more special!!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Busy week

Well we have been quite busy this week, hence why so silent.
On Tuesday we went to our regular Healthy Baby class which is francophone and visited with memere afterwards. Wednesday we started going to a second Healthy Baby class which is anglophone. It was interesting. A much smaller group, instead of sitting on mats on the floor, we have chairs and there's one big cloth with toys for the babes.
We went to Salle Vanier on Thursday for Prayer Night. We had a Seder supper, which was really nice.
Friday, Emma and I went playing outside. We built a snowman and discovered that some cats have used our backyard as a litter box, yeah....
Emma and I went for a walk around the block twice. Of course she had to walk and jump through every single puddle! It was so cute. I can't wait for the summer, we're going to have so much fun.
Today I had a pedicure, manicure and got my hair done, thanks to a gift card Richard gave me for Christmas. It feels nice to be spoiled!
I also bought a new crib and carseat for Xavier, can't wait to set up the crib.
Tomorrow is Xavier's baptism, I'm looking forward to that.
Little man, who should be sleeping, is calling me, so tata for now.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Ice and Water

Just over a week ago the temperature was -44, today at 9am it's already -1. What a difference! All last week the temperature has been fluctuating from above zero to below zero. This translates into alot of melting snow, becoming ice, becoming slushy ice. Pushing a stroller through this is really a workout, not to mention the risk of soaking your shoe in icy water!
I am not complaining, however, bring on spring baby, bring on spring. I am a little afraid that we will have another big freeze before spring really comes.
Xavier has been battling a cold, so despite the nice weather, we've been mostly staying indoors.
Yesterday, we ventured outdoors to get some ingredients to make a Chilean soup for Richard, he was at work, so this was a surprise for him. I think I did pretty well, he gave me a few pointers on what I could do better next time, so next time, it'll be perfect!
I hear Xavier calling me, so until I can blog again, chao!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Squirting poop and other misadventures

On monday I went out and about with the kiddies. On the way back home from Kildonan Place, Emma had a BIG poop! Sitting on a stroller, riding a bus, is not the best place. I had to wash EVERYTHING, including Emma, which she didn't mind. By the way, have you ever had to wash messy poop from a cloth diaper? Not my favourite thing to do!
Xavier has had a cold the past couple of days, yesterday he had a big poop. While I was cleaning his diaper, he sneezed and poop just squirted out of his bum unto my hand. Ah, the joys of parenthood!!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Richard is home

After a week long in Montreal at a L'Arche function with 3 other coworkers, Richard arrived home safe and sound, if not a little late. His plane was delayed 1.5 hours because of all the snow Montreal had received the previous days.
Needless to say Emma was very happy to see her Papa again. She right away went into his arms and cried. However before she found him, she wanted to bring me to the departure area, because, according to her, that's where he was!
The weather is much better now here is Winnipeg, let's hope it stays that way!!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Emma go boom!

Today was a very eventful day. First we had swimming. Emma is doing so well, it's hard not to be proud, especially when you consider her age. The pool was really cold today. However, after a few minutes of doing the Grand old duke of York, we warmed up quite well.
Since we've been cooped up into the house the last two days, I decided we would take advantage of the nice weather and go venturing. First we went to St-Vital Centre with Memere and Nicole for lunch, after they left, we went into a few stores looking for sales, but nothing really attacted me enough to purchase.
Afterwards we went to Kildonan Place to pick up Richard's watch (it was in the repair shop), he'll be happy to get his watch back when he returns from Montreal tomorrow. We picked up a few things there and chatted with Richard C, Jay, Terry and Diane who were all doing their turn of volunteering at the Walk with L'Arche booth.

When we got home, both kids needed to be changed. Emma went first, as I turned around to put the diaper away and get a new one, my darling daughter tried to say hi to her brother and ended up falling off the change table! In her own words "Emma go boom!". She cried and was very upset when it first happened, but within a minute she was laughing. She's ok, thank God!
Great way to end a week with Richard being gone! Hahaha!

We are very much looking forward to picking up Richard at the airport tomorrow. It's interesting to see how young children show they miss a parent. Xavier's sleeping hasn't been good the last couple of days, he was complaining a lot this morning, when Richard called and Xavier heard his Papa's voice, he went back to sleep.
Emma's been acting up a little bit more and she has been saying, Papa home a lot.
It will be very nice to have him back.

Friday, March 7, 2008

It's still cold outside...

We are still under a windchill warning. Blah. I hate being stuck at home. Oh well, what can you do? It's supposed to warm up to a high of -8 for tomorrow, so I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Nicole came over yesterday with diapers for Xavier, so at least I have that. I sometimes wonder how my Mom can stay at home 24/7, she says you get used to it, but I don't know if I could. I guess if you have no choice, you just have to live with it. I guess there are worth things out there than being stuck indoors because of the weather.
I do wish I was back in Victoria, would not have to worry about windchill or anything like that.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Baby it's cold outside

I had a lot of adventuring planned for me and the kiddies today. I need to get some diapers for Xavier and would like to get Emma the aquarium I promised her. I figured we would go here, there and everywhere, I have a bus pass after all. Mr. Weather changed all that.
First thing this morning when I awoke, I checked the weather. To my utter shock, I noticed we had a windchill warning! A winchill warning! Come on man, it's March! -44 with the windchill, that's what it was this morning and it's presently not much better. Needless to say, the kiddies and I are staying inside. There's always a windchill warning for tomorrow as well. Cruel, cruel weather, just cruel. Xavier does have cloth diapers, so it's not an extreme emergency, it's just that disposable diapers are better for sleeping time.
Anyway, that's not the point. I think mother nature forgot to read the memo about "no windchill warnings in March". Is spring really around the corner? From my perspective, it really doesn't feel like it. Bah! I want out of this winter deepfreeze, out I tell you, OUT!!
Well, that's my little rant for the day.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Doctor's appointment

Emma had her 2 year old doctor's appointment today. As soon as we got there she was weighed, 33lbs and measured, 36 inches. That's 3 feet tall! My baby girl is only 2 years old and already 3 feet tall. She's definitely a big girl. After the weighing and measuring we were told to wait for the doctor to see her. We got to see the doctor one and a half hours later! That's absolutely nuts, I mean she is a good doctor, but to wait that long for a 10 minute check up is crazy! The lucky thing is that Xavier was sleeping the entire time and only woke up once we got home. Thank God!
On another note, I'm trying to post pictures in the posts, but there's an error on the page and I can't figure out how to fix it. One thing it tells me if to see if I need to disable the plugins. Unfortunately I don't know what plugins are or how to disable them! D'oh! I'm sure my brain will wake up and I'll figure it someday :-)


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Bebes, Parents, Gazouillements and other things...

First an update on the diabetes front. Most of you know I has gestional diabetes while I was pregnant with Xavier. On Monday I had my post-delivery check up. Everything is A-ok, all of my sugar levels have gone back to normal. The specialist said that if I lose 15 lbs (my goal is actually 30) by this time next year and maintain it, I should have no problems in the future! That is very good news!
On Tuesday, we had the Bebes, parents et gazouillements programme to go to. Emma always has a lot of fun when she goes there. She stays with a babysitter and all the other little kids over 1 year old. Mommies and babies go upstairs for an information session. Yesterday's session was about how to get the father involved in your child's life and help you out at home. I have no problem on that front! The lunch they made for us was a spaghetti with lentil tomato sauce. Very yummy. There's another mom besides me who doesn't eat meat, so they always make sure to make something we can also eat. I like that, very nice.
After we finished our lunch, we went to visit Memere who doesn't live too far from the school. Emma always has a lot of fun visiting with her Memere. Memere made us soup, fish and veggie eggrolls for supper, very hearty. We stayed just until after supper, I didn't want to come home in the dark.
All in all we had a good day yesterday, except that Emma napped in the stroller, making her a tyrant to get to bed at the bedtime. She ended up going to sleep maybe sometime after 10pm! Oh well what can you do :-)

Monday, March 3, 2008

Birthday fun!

Emma had a great birthday party yesterday. The kids played and created with Playdoh as the adults sat and chatted. I helped Emma open her presents, she received alot! She received a whole new wardrobe of clothing, almost everything is pink! She received a few different French books (which we love) and a Dance with Dora book complete with a dance mat! She also received a dooble pad and a Pablo the Pirate (from Backyardigans) piggy (or should I say Treasure) bank.
So spoiled! You gotta love it!
We had a Winnie the Pooh pinata, but instead of whacking it with a stick (not a good idea for an indoor party), there were ribbons on the bottom to pull. One of the ribbons was attached to a trap door, and of course, Emma found it.
We had a nice cake with a peek-a-boo Winnie the Pooh hiding in a honey pot toy.
The family stayed for supper and we had Subway, which I had pre-ordered a few days in advance. It was really nice.
Emma and Xavier were both on birthday fun overload by the time the day was over, but it was all good. Richard had Emma in bed by 8:30 and Xavier went down around 9:30, so not bad at all.
Now I have 8.5 months to plan Xavier's b-day. HEHEHE.

Sunday, March 2, 2008


A big congratulations goes out to Geoff and Pierrette on the arrival of their new baby boy Christophe!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Pool "fouling"

Emma was supposed to have a swimming lesson today. We arrived at the pool only to find out that the lessons were cancelled due to a "fouling" in the pool and it needed to be cleaned. Doh! Emma was very disapointed. We can only assume what this "fouling" was...
Tomorrow is Emma's bday party, woohoo, can't wait, really!