Monday, June 28, 2010

Recycling made fun

It's been raining so much lately I've been saving up some recycling to make a craft with. Yesterday we made juice box trains. The kids had a great time making their trains, although Xavier's is already a little bit taken apart. LOL.
Basically, we cut the bottom of the boxes, leaving it as a flap so we can wash out the juice. Left them to dry. After they dried out, we taped the flaps shut and let the kids decorate the boxes as they wished. I cut a toilet paper roll in half and used those as smoke stacks for each train. It was fun and Emma really loves her homemade train.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Having fun in the park!

Yesterday was "La Saint Jean-Baptiste" day. It's a provincial holiday in Quebec, here the Francophone community celebrated with a party in the park.
It was a very warm and muggy day,thankfully the city had sprayed for mosquitoes the night before, so we weren't bugged :)
First thing in the morning, the kids helped me bake cookies and pack a picnic.
The kids had a lot of fun playing in the park, doing the different activities set up and listen to the free concert.
Lucas did not enjoy staying in his car seat. I had to hold him the whole time, so I had to improvise to keep the sun off of him. He was wearing my hat.
We met up with a lot of people we knew, including my cousin Joel and his beautiful family.
We spent most of the time hanging out with Gen, who on top of her own two, was babysitting two more. Once the party was over, Gen and her gang came over to our place to continue the fun. I think the kids had a blast.
Emma had so much fun yesterday that she actually slept in past 9 a.m.!
What a great day.

In soccer news, Italy was eliminated from the World Cup. With France being eliminated earlier in the week, Italy and France become the first teams in the history of the World Cup, where the finalists from the previous World Cup do not advance to the final 16! Amazing!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Lucas's Baptism

Our sweet little boy received his baptism this past Sunday. As with our older two children, he was baptised by my father "Pepere". It was a really nice ceremony. There were 3 other babies getting baptised at the same time. Two of the babies looked about the same age as Lucas, whereas the third looked to be around 9 months old. Lucas did really well, he was sleeping when the time came to pour water on his head and I was positive this would wake him and he would scream. My boy proved me wrong, he frowned a little but just kept on sleeping. The anointing of the oil bothered him a little and it woke him up, but he didn't cry or scream. Such a good boy.
He is soooo big, it's incredible how much he has grown since birth, I can't wait until his next doctor's appointment to see where he stands.

In other news, Emma "graduated" from her first year of preschool. She really does enjoy going to school. I think she will miss it during the summer, I know I will LOL! Next year both Emma and Xavier will be in preschool, different times and days of course, because of their ages. At least I hope Xavier will be in preschool, we're having some trouble with Xavier consistently using the potty. I have three months to get him completely out of pull-ups (at least during the day). I'm hopeful, he understands and recognizes when he needs to pee or poo, he just chooses the easy way. Thankfully it's summer and I can just let him run around in underwear, eventually he'll get the point (I hope) and stop doing in his pants. I keep you posted on the potty training wars.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

My little ballerina

Yesterday was Emma's big recital at the Centennial Concert Hall.
She did such a good job. Dance to the steps as best as a 4 year old can do and kept a big smile on her face the whole time.
My beautiful girl.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

What a busy life

It has been quite busy around here since Lucas has been born.
We've had something to do everything single weekend and that doesn't look like it will be letting up anytime soon. Which is not a bad thing.
This past weekend we had to miss our dear friends wedding, which was quite disappointing. We had really been looking forward to the attending the wedding and celebrating with our friends. Unfortunately, during the night before the wedding, I was up all night being very, very ill, came down with some kind of flu, only feeling better today. Richard woke up the morning of the wedding feeling sick himself. Xavier was sick on Monday. Everybody seems to be doing better now, which is good.
This weekend we have Emma's big dance recital on Saturday, I can't wait. It's going to be so cute. She's been talking about it for weeks now, my little diva is really looking forward to being on stage again. LOL.
Lucas has grown leaps and bounds, it's amazing how much babies change in such short periods of time.