Saturday, September 27, 2008

I'm walking, yes indeed I'm walking....

It's official. Xavier is walking. He has been taking independents steps for awhile, but he is now taking more than 3 steps at a time! Woot woot!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Fun times

Yesterday we went to the local (French) school for the activity of the month. Xavier just crawled or walked around along the furniture, playing with various toys as he went. Emma enjoyed all the activities, which included a storytime followed by make your own story. She had a lot of fun making her own story (with Maman's help of course). Afterwards, paper was laid out on the floor where Emma laid down and let me trace her. We then clued on hair and eyes and coloured in a nose, smile and some clothes. Of course, I forgot to bring this one home, but we did remember to bring her story home.
Once we were finished with our traced out Emma, all the kids played together, while the Maman's sat around watching them and gabbing. It was a very good morning. This classroom is set aside especially for "le mini centre cree", which is a place where stay-at-home preschoolers can come and play, join in different activities, borrow various age appropriate games and so fourth with their parents (usually their maman's).
I have signed up both kids for L'heure du conte (storytime) and Toi, moi et la mere l'oie (You, me and mother goose), through the centre. The programmes start in October and am really looking forward to it. Richard will be taking the kids to the sing-a-long class (mother goose), which should be interesting since his knowledge of French is very minimal. Hehehe.
While reading some of the other blogs I follow .New Mommy Rant, I came across this sheep game. You should give it a try. I came up as bobbin bobcat, but only after many tries, I primarily came up as sluggish snail. Bah

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

One tired maman

That past week or so has been extremely busy. A lot of it for me being work related. I had a three day workshop that started on Thursday. Very long days. Couldn't wait to get back home to breastfeed Xavier!

Sunday, September 7, 2008


I was able to connect with an old coworker (thanks to Facebook) who happens to have a daughter just 6 months older than Emma. So, Amie and her daughter Reese stopped by yesterday for a playdate. There were some tears, but mostly there were giggles and good times. Xavier felt a little like the odd man out, but did manage to get in on the fun as well (some of the time). I forgot to take a single picture if you can imagine!
I'm feeling better now, still in need of sleep, but what else is new!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tuesday Toot!

I must say that I'm finally feeling better after being out for the count due to my strep throat. I'm pleased that I was able to hold the fort down and take care of the kids while Richard was at work. There were a few times where it was rough going, especially Richard's overnight, but we managed to survive without any casualties. For this reason and the fact that I didn't get behind on any of my work, I'm tooting my own horn. Toot, toot!!