Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Birthday party, first air course

On Saturday the kids had the pleasure to attend the first birthday party of one of their own friends. It was really nice, the party was outside. It's funny though, my kids were the only ones wearing wide brimmed hats, long pants and long sleeves. These mothers probably thought I was crazy or over protective, but that don't bother me. All in all, however, the kids had a great time, especially Emma of course.
Yesterday, I needed to re-certify myself in first aid (for work). Which meant I would be away from home ALL DAY. Luckily Polo Park shopping centre is across the street from St-John's Ambulance, so I was able to meet up with Richard and the kids so I could breastfeed little man.
The course was alright, you know, same old same old. A few changes to CPR, but overall the same. They didn't touch on infant CPR at all or infant related injuries, so I may take another first aid course specifically for this.
Xavier seemed to survive being seperated from me, however, by the end of the day he was getting antsy and tired of me playing what seemed to be a very long game of peek-a-bood.

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