Our sweet little boy received his baptism this past Sunday. As with our older two children, he was baptised by my father "Pepere". It was a really nice ceremony. There were 3 other babies getting baptised at the same time. Two of the babies looked about the same age as Lucas, whereas the third looked to be around 9 months old. Lucas did really well, he was sleeping when the time came to pour water on his head and I was positive this would wake him and he would scream. My boy proved me wrong, he frowned a little but just kept on sleeping. The anointing of the oil bothered him a little and it woke him up, but he didn't cry or scream. Such a good boy.
He is soooo big, it's incredible how much he has grown since birth, I can't wait until his next doctor's appointment to see where he stands.
In other news, Emma "graduated" from her first year of preschool. She really does enjoy going to school. I think she will miss it during the summer, I know I will LOL! Next year both Emma and Xavier will be in preschool, different times and days of course, because of their ages. At least I hope Xavier will be in preschool, we're having some trouble with Xavier consistently using the potty. I have three months to get him completely out of pull-ups (at least during the day). I'm hopeful, he understands and recognizes when he needs to pee or poo, he just chooses the easy way. Thankfully it's summer and I can just let him run around in underwear, eventually he'll get the point (I hope) and stop doing in his pants. I keep you posted on the potty training wars.
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