It was a very warm and muggy day,thankfully the city had sprayed for mosquitoes the night before, so we weren't bugged :)
First thing in the morning, the kids helped me bake cookies and pack a picnic.
The kids had a lot of fun playing in the park, doing the different activities set up and listen to the free concert.
Lucas did not enjoy staying in his car seat. I had to hold him the whole time, so I had to improvise to keep the sun off of him. He was wearing my hat.
We met up with a lot of people we knew, including my cousin Joel and his beautiful family.
We spent most of the time hanging out with Gen, who on top of her own two, was babysitting two more. Once the party was over, Gen and her gang came over to our place to continue the fun. I think the kids had a blast.
Emma had so much fun yesterday that she actually slept in past 9 a.m.!
What a great day.
In soccer news, Italy was eliminated from the World Cup. With France being eliminated earlier in the week, Italy and France become the first teams in the history of the World Cup, where the finalists from the previous World Cup do not advance to the final 16! Amazing!
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