Thursday, April 24, 2008

Stinky pee - part deux

Last week, Xavier had to go back to the doctor's to have a cath tube put in to extract more pee. Turns out that the enzymes in his pee has grown. The urologist suggested that we take care of the problem ASAP. Xavier is now on a list of different creams and antibiotics.
First we have the famous hydrocortison cream which we use for his eczema. I really can't wait for this to clear. It is looking much, much better and we are down to just using the cream twice a day (from four times a day).
Secondly, we have a cream that we need to "massage" into Xavier's foreskin, concentrating on the opening. The opening is small and the foreskin does not retract at all. We need to be very gentle with this. Hopefully this cream will help the situation. The enzymes are probably being created because of this problem. We apply this cream twice a day for six weeks.
Thirdly, we have a suspension liquid medication Cephalexin which we administer 4 times a day. This we need to do for 2 weeks. Once this is finished we need to get another medication called Septra.
Xavier has a follow up appointment in a week in a half. Hopefully all this medication will help. He will also need to go for an ultrasound to check to make sure his kidneys are not infected. He will also have another cath tube put in to extract more pee.
It's a lot of things to remember and put Xavier through, but it's nothing compared to Emma's little friend Sebastien. By the way, Sebastien has another flu bug, so let's keep him in our prayers. The sooner he gets better, the sooner he can be put back on the kidney transplant list, the sooner he can have his transplant, the sooner he can live Sick Kids in Toronto, the sooner he can come back home to Winnipeg! I always wonder how Jasmina and David do it. They definitely are superstars!

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