Friday, April 25, 2008

Babies don't eat Goldfish cracker's???

I spent part of the afternoon at the mall with the kids.
Time came for us to leave.
I had Emma go sit in her carseat, gave her Goldfish crackers as a snack and buckled Xavier into his seat.
While I was putting the stroller in the trunk of the car, Emma decided it was a good idea to share her crackers with her brother.
I went to buckle Emma into her seat and noticed the tail of a Goldfish cracker sticking out of Xavier's mouth. I proceeded to fish (no pun intended) about 3-4 more out of his mouth. One was at the back of his throat, previous first aid training told me to leave that one alone. Xavier was coughing and making noise, a sign that he could dislodge (or swallow) the cracker on his own.
I grabbed the kids out of the car quicker than I could think and ran back into Sears as fast as I could, found the nearest clerk and got some help. Xavier, swallowed the cracker with no problem.
Not quite the first solid food I was planning on giving him, rice cereal won't seem very exciting now!
We went to St-Boniface Hospital as a precautionary measure and it seems the little man is doing fine.
Let me tell you, that was one of the scariest moments of my life! Phew, glad it turned out good in the end!!

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