Saturday, October 24, 2009


Today we are set to receive two kittens from my brother's farm. The kids know they are getting these cats, they just don't know it's today. I think they'll be extremely excited when my brother drops by with the two little critters. I just have to make sure to have the room where their litter box is going all set up for them. A long time ago Emma decided to name the female "Bella", a very good choice. Richard decided that "Beast" is a good name for the male. (I would have preferred Edward, hehehe).
Now, since they are male and female, I will have to find a vet and get a check up set up for them, not to mention the good old snip, snip.
I still haven't found my camera since the move, I'll post some pictures of our new furry friends as soon as I can.

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