Right after lunch we dropped off Richard at work.
The kids and then proceded to St-Boniface (the French Quarter) where our first stop was to "Librairie a la Page". We visited with Pascale and the kids were able to pick up a few treasures, thanks in part to tante Pascale.
We then headed of to Labelle's Wedding shop. Here I bought the guest book, pen, flower girl basket, ring pillow and garter all in the colour and style I want for the wedding, which also happened to be on sale! I've decided to buy as much stuff as I can ahead of time so as to not occur a huge expense at one time.
After shopping we went to Provencher Park where both Emma and Xavier really enjoyed themselves. Swinging, sliding and sandbox playing. Once the fun was over here, we drove over to the St-Boniface Cathedral and parked our car. We walked along the river, not too close however as Emma seemed wanting to go for a swim!
We walked all the way to Laverendrye Park where Emma played on the castle shaped playstructure, where she decreed herself Princess of the playground and Xavier went swinging. Once the fun was over we made our we to the other side of the park to get into the procession going to the St-Boniface Cathedral.
On October 4, 1908 the 4th edition of the Cathedral was inaugurated and we were celebrating 100 years of the 4th Cathedral (it's important to note the Cathedral caught fire on July 22, 1968 and fell to ruins, however the 5th edition to the Cathedral was built within the ruins of the 4th, so its outer skeleton still stands). Another important historical note to mention is that the original building, a chapel, on this site was built in 1818 and 1st cathedral built on this site in 1825.
We celebrated a mass, half of with I spent with the kids in the annex, since Emma was a little bored (being a special mass, it was more than 1 hour long, not to mention the procession leading up to it.) We then celebrated with a wine and cheese, where Emma played with Annie and Stephane (my sister-in-law's sister's kids) as well as with Sergio, a little friend from "Toi, moi et le Mere l'Oie". I think the funniest part is when the Bishop Emilius Goulet came up to Annie and Emma to say hello. Emma just looked at him and didn't seem the least bit interested, except to say Hi because I told her too. LOL!
Cathedral burning in 1968


Views from the Red River taken this summer
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