Sunday, August 10, 2008

Splashing good time!

Yesterday, while Richard was busy at work, I took the kids to the new Splash Park in located in Provencher Park. First of all Emma busied herself with the play structure, focusing on her favourite part: the slide! Afterwards she played in the sandbox, as luck would have it, one of her little playmates happened to come to the park to play (before her maman has their new baby, due this week). Emma and Isabelle played in the sandbox for quite some time, before the two of them decided to finally play in the Splash Park.
They had a great time! Even Xavier enjoyed getting splashed, of course I also got soaked, luckily I was wearing pants made from nylon and a tank top, so it didn't take long to dry. While playing another friend, this time Xavier's, showed up at the park.
Xavier had a good time swinging next to litte Mia. What a cutie that one is.
Emma was still enjoying the splash park, when Maddy (my cousin Christine's daughter) showed up with her dad. The two girls played on the swing and the play structure before Maddy had to leave.
The kids had a really good time and really great naps.
It was such a fun day. I really like the Splash Park, next time, however, I won't forget to bring my camera!!

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