Emma had her first 4 teeth come in at 4 months old, she had 8 by 8 months and all her baby teeth pretty much by the time she was a year old. I breastfed Emma until she was 15 months old and never bit me, not even once. Will Xavier be the same? Hmmm, somehow, I don't think so..
Since we're talking about teeth, it should also be noteworthy to mention that Emma has all four 2 year mollars, giving her a complete set of baby teeth! Hooray!
Xavier has been experimenting with different foods. So far he's had:
- Rice, Barley and Oatmeal cereals
- Carrots and Sweet Potatoes
- Peaches
Emma was sick earlier this week. We were out at "Bebe, parents et gazouillements" when Emma had a bout of diarhea. We came home where she threw up once and had one more messy diaper. A little bit of tylenol, pedialyte in popsicle form and gingerale seemed to the trick to get her back on track.
Yesteday she had a little accident in the backyard where she scraped the palm of her hand. It's not a bad "booboo", but it's one of her on personal worst, so it's causing her a little stress. Otherwise, she's fine.
The business of the stinky pee, by the way, is not quite finished yet. Xavier is needing to go to Children's Hospital on Monday to have a VCUG. I can't remember what the letters individual stand for anymore, however, it is a special kind of X-Ray. Basically they insert a cath tube into the poor little guy's penis. Through the tube they insert a dye to see if it goes all the way up to his kidney's, which would be a bad thing. They take X-Ray's to be able to see. Hopefully everything will go well.
On another note, Sebastien did not end up getting his surgery a few weeks back, apparently there was too much potassium in his system. The cause of his bleeding is still a mystery. Looks like Jasmina and little Sebastien will be in Toronto for a long time still.
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