Monday, September 26, 2011

Bumpy beginnings

Xavier had a terrible time adjusting to our new rhythm of life these past couple of weeks. With E coming four days a week as part of our daycare family it was almost like bringing home a new baby. He seemed afraid that he was losing his "spot". He had quite a few melt downs the first week and the stress caused him to regress by having a few "accidents" and wetting the bed a few times each week. It was eye opening to me and I had to pull out my bag of parental tricks to help him realise he just as important as he's always been and we love him just the same.
Add to all this the fact that Emma, his BFF, started kindergarten, let's just say it's been a challenge. He is much better now. The things that did help, is that E is a pretty laid back kid, phew, and he started going to preschool. He missed his preschool teacher over the summer and going back into her class (even though the physical classroom has changed) has given some stability back into his life.
Emma, on her side, LOVES going to school and going on the bus. In fact she loves taking the bus so much, she refuses to come back with us in the car when I go to pick up Xavier and E from preschool. Luckily we get home a full 20 minutes before the bus which gives us leeway when everybody's in snowsuits.
Xavier misses Emma so much that he will actually run out the door and jump into Emma's arms when she gets off the bus. So incredibly cute! Lucas is also very happy to see his big sister come home.
I love how excited Emma is to tell me all about her day, I've already learnt three new songs and one new dance from her already =) I hope this excitement follows her through until the end of her university studies, hehe.
Lucas has really been enjoying his 2.5, 3 days a week, of one on one time. He's such a cutie. Although I don't mind doing errands and grocery shopping with my whole gang, I love it when I can go with just Lucas. He's so cute in the store and such a flirt.

Friday, September 2, 2011

New beginnings

We are already in the month of September and this time next week Emma will have completed her first full day of kindergarten, a big milestone in the life of a young child.
This month seems to be full of new and exciting beginnings.
Emma will transform from a little caterpillar until a beautiful butterfly as she ventures into the new world of school.
Xavier will be entering into pre-school, three times a week, venturing to make new friends and get his caterpillar ready for its chrysalis.
Lucas will discover life with just Maman three days a week and of course continue to grow, learning new things, new words.
Another new beginning the unofficial start my daycare! I don't have my licence yet, but I am able to take care of four children including my own until I get my licence! This means the new official member of our daycare family will be starting on Tuesday. I am very excited about this. Emma fully understands that E will be part of our daycare family and will be here four times a week, the boys not so much. Whenever I tell Xavier that E will be here four days a week, he asks why? LOL. I am sure the beginning will be a little rough, but hopefully I can plan enough activities and crafts to keep them busy.
Keeping on the daycare vine, the basement is starting to take shape, which has gotten me really excited. All the walls are primed and one has a first coat of paint. Once we get all the paint up, next comes the flooring. It's all coming together. Good things come to those who wait and new beginnings.