Monday, August 30, 2010

Oh happy day

Despite waking up to a very upset stomach this morning, I can not help but be in a good mood. Yesterday was a special day for a variety of reasons.
First of all it was mine and Richard's 1 year wedding anniversary. Even though we have been together for over 5 years, it's still a special day and I'm glad that we were able to share it with Emma and Xavier :) It will always be a treasured memory.
Yesterday two wonderful things happened: sweet Sebastien finally received a new kidney! Let's keep him in our prayers that everything keeps going well and without any complications.
The second thing is that our good friends Tomo and Shella welcomed a bouncing baby boy whom they named Yoshi. We are so overjoyed with this news! Can't wait to meet the little sweetie :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I like Hannah Montana

There I said it.
Emma discovered Hannah Montana almost 1 year ago when my friend Ross (who has down syndrome) had a Hannah Montana themed birthday party. She had never seen an episode of her television show or listened to any of her music, but Uncle Ross liked her so that was good enough.
For Christmas, Santa brought Emma the Hannah Montana Movie, which is mildly entertaining. A few months ago, after having watched the movie a hundred million times, a hunted for the television show. Hasn't too hard to find since the Family network plays the Hannah Montana show at least 20 times a day, or so it seems.
I like the show. Billy Ray is funny and so is the actor that plays Hannah/Miley's brother. I actually enjoy watching the show with Emma.
Lord help me.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Life continues to be busy

It's a crazy life, but one that I do enjoy.
We're broke, but happy, crazy.
To help supplement our income, I have decided to start selling Epicure. I think it will be really great, I can't wait to start doing parties and showing people how yummy Epicure products are.
It means having to pump milk so that Lucas can stay home with Richard, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. I will miss my munchkins as I'm working, but it will also be nice to be working and having a night out all rolled into one!
I won tickets to go see Weird Al Yankovic at the beginning of the month. He is hilarious, he played of course some of his classics, still funny today.
I am writing this at 1 a.m. because I could not sleep, but now I hear the sleep fairies calling me. I bid you goodnight....

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Growing every day

Lucas is now a little over 3 months old. He is "talking" a lot, squeals with delight whenever he sees his siblings and can roll over. Time sure does fly.
Xavier is semi potty trained. I can not wait until the potty wars are over with him. He knows when he needs to go, he'd just rather poop in his shorts or pee on Emma's bed (for example). Gah!
It will get better, it will get better, it will get better. Do you think I could just wish it and poof???? Here's for hoping anyway, LOL.
Emma is really shaping her own unique style and personality. She is choosing her own favourite shows and fashion styles. It's amazing. She is such a girly girl, she constantly wants to go shopping and loves doing her nails. My sweetie. When Lucas is a bit older and can be left home with Richard for a little while (without needing to breastfeed), I will take my sweetie girl out for lunch, do a little shopping and get our nails done.