Being dutiful Catholics, I attempted going to the Chrism Mass this past Wednesday, and I do mean attempted. We arrived at the St-Boniface Basilica on time, even though we had to park down the street. I decided to sit as close to the back as possible, to avoid any possible disturbances from the little ones. Since my dad is a Deacon, he also was at the mass, but would not be able to sit with us because he would be with the other Deacon's and Priests.
When the kids saw him in the procession, I had to hold them both back as they wanted to walk along side their Pepere! After successfully keeping the kids back, Xavier made his great escape, ran all the way to the front and ran right into one of the priests in the procession! Luckily it was one of the priests I know and he thought it was funny. After 45 minutes into the 2+ hour ceremony and running after an escaped Xavier about 5-7 times, I decided it was time to go. We skipped the remainder of the Holy week masses (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Pascal Vigil) and made it to church this morning for the Easter Sunday mass, with two very hyper kids!
Here are a few Easter fun pics for you to enjoy!